School's Out for Summer - Sherwood Elementary School

Tomorrow, May 24 is field day. It is a free dress down day. The kids must still have their shoulders covered and modest length shorts. No flip flops/sandals are allowed and socks must still be worn. We will be playing in BOUNCE HOUSES and playing LASER TAG, no skirts/dresses. THANK YOU TO ALL THE FAMILIES THAT DONATED TO MAKE THIS POSSIBLE! Put sunscreen on the kids before they come or send a small bottle with them. We will be in the sun for about an hour. Make sure they have a water bottle this last week of school-it is hot.

***Please make sure your child has brought back all their books/paid the replacement fee***

School lunch will be a picnic in our classroom. The following students did not sign up for school sack lunches. Please make sure they come with a home lunch. School lets out at 3:20. If you would like to come help with field day, please email me. I need helpers from 1:00-3:00. You will get to rotate with your child and play laser tag with us 😉

Home Lunch Kids for FIELD DAY: Eliza, Aubrey, Josh, Kelton, Tatum, Brooklyn, Ryleigh, Hunter, Jackson, McKinlee, Aylin, and Lynndon.

Thursday, May 25, is the school’s talent show. You are welcome to come watch 4th and 5th perform at about 10:00. THURSDAY IS NOT A DRESS DOWN DAY. THIS DAY IS A SHORT DAY.

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! MAY 26TH, EARLY 1:20. IT IS A FREE DRESS DOWN DAY. Yearbook signing will be in the morning.

School's out for Summer! | Empress Tea
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