The last few days:

  • May 16: Finishing STATE MATH TEST. If you child was absent, they will attend a makeup session.
  • May 13-17: BFG week, your child may bring in a GIANT thing to display (optional)
  • May 17: BFG movie. Student that used their class tickets, may bring items for the movie.
  • May 17-20: All class novels are due
  • May 20: 1:30-2:15 Math Science Olympiad. Parents of our finalist are invited to attend.
  • May 21: State Capital/Daughters of Pioneers field trip.
  • May 22: Field day-FUN DAY! All classroom novels must be back or have paid the office to replace the book ($5).
  • May 23: Talent show (Our grade is at 9:50). Early out 1:10 pm
  • May 24: Last day of school-Early out 1:10pm
  • May 27: Memorial Day
keep-calm-schools-almost-out-for-summer ...
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