We are going to the zoo on Tuesday, March 18, 2025. We will be leaving the school on buses at 8:45 and returning at 2:00. School lunches are provided for school lunch daily cost, please mark if you would like one for your child. If you choose to send your child with a home lunch, please make sure it is completely disposable, including the bag, and labeled with their name.
Due to high bus costs, we are asking for a $5 donations from each student. If you are able, please pay at the front office.
Volunteer info:
Thank you for all of you willing to volunteer as chaperones with a group! Due to bus space only 5 parents per class will be able to ride the bus, others will need to drive separately and meet us at the zoo. Bus Riders will be a lottery base. Volunteers will need to pay for your own entry of $21.95. We do get 5 adult tickets per class. I will let you know if you are one of the five in a later email. Otherwise, please plan to pay for your entry at the Zoo before we arrive. Volunteers must be prepared to stay with their group at all times, bring a backpack to hold lunches, and bring your own personal lunch. We ask that you do not bring siblings, so your attention is on our students. You will need to drive yourself and meet at the zoo at 9:45 am with a ticket purchased. We will plan to leave the zoo at 1:00 pm. At that point, volunteers are welcome to check out their children with me at the bus and go home.