Reading books at home on your child’s level-LEXILE NUMBER

Middle of year testing is complete. I have sent an email out with your child’s updated LEXILE reading number. This is a number that helps you find books for them to read on their reading level. We can discuss this number and middle of year scores during PTC.  Here is a link to help you learn what books are on their level. There is an additional chart that let’s you know what grade level your child is reading at.

Remember, our school’s homework policy is to have each student read for 20 minutes a night. I prefer you to read with your student anytime possible. If you need that LEXILE number again, please email me 😉

  • Monday, Jan. 3rd – First Day Back at School
  • Monday, Jan 17th – No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Feb. 2nd & 3rd – Parent Teacher Conferences – Early out both days
  • Friday, Feb. 4th – No School – Teacher Work Day

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