Valentine Friend Grams and Parent/Child Dances

Valentine Friend-GramsThis is an opportunity for students to surprise someone in the school with a fun token of friendship. Students may purchase cute Valentine cards that will be attached to a small treat and delivered to the classes on Valentine’s Day (Friday, February 14) Please see below for additional details:

  • $.25 each
  • February 10-12 (Monday-Wednesday)
  • 8:00-8:25 am and 3:10-3:45 pm 
  • Q1 Lobby

POQA Presents our theme for the 2025 Parent/Child Dances, Masquerade Ball! We are so excited to see all our Elementary & Jr High kids having some fun, quality bonding time. You have one month until the dances! We wanted to give enough notice to those who like to prepare in advance for events. We can’t wait to see your amazing masks & attire! Let the fun begin!

Don’t forget to get your tickets ordered in advance!

Daddy/Daughter: March 7

Mother/ Son: March 14

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