Author Archives: angie.clark

FRIDAY, $DDD and Show-N-Tell

CELEBRATION TIME!!! We have work VERY HARD this week! The kids have finished several assessments and have been AWESOME while working on their work!!! Check your email for their grades. Math was sent today (ELA and Science are coming soon). … Continue reading

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Scholastic Book Orders,Tutoring,Grades

Forms are being sent home today. Book orders will be due Feb 8th. Please email me if you have submitted an order. Tutoring will begin this week. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00-3:25. IMPORTANT: The school will be sending you … Continue reading

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January 25-January 29

Wonders – ELA Read for 20 minutes each night. Practice summarizing – share what you have read with a grown up.

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February Happenings

Stores are now stocked and ready for Valentine’s Day.  To help you properly prepare for our class celebrations, here are the Quest guidelines in regards to Valentine’s Celebrations at Quest: “Per Quest’s wellness policy, all food in the classroom must … Continue reading

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ZOOM Parent Conferences


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INAUGURATION viewing in our class

We will be celebrating our new President tomorrow! Our class will be watching the ceremony. If you would rather your student not watch, please email me. Thanks

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School breakfasts AND lunches are still FREE (for students) and will remain free until the end of the school year! If you are an e-learner, you can get free meals too! I you would like to participate in free breakfasts and … Continue reading

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Egg Drop Collision

Egg Drop CollisionFriday, tomorrow, we are dropping eggs off of our school. This is an optional activity, if they would rather watch and not participate, that is not a problem In science we have been learning about energy transfer and … Continue reading

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Permission to participate in Mrs. Clark’s case study ;)

I am excited to be working on my Masters Degree and would like to use your student’s data in a study I am conducting as part of my degree program. I want to measure student growth as I teach adding … Continue reading

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Christmas Covid Carol

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