Author Archives: angie.clark

Math: We are finishing up Converting Measurement and reviewing Line Plots

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We are learning…

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Math Lesson #27

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Starting a new ELA Unit this week

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February Happenings:

FEBRUARY Happenings: February 1ST: 100th day of 4th GRADE! Wednesday, February 14:  Please fill out this permission form  Valentines’ Day FUN February 19- NO SCHOOL (President’s Day) February 23- $1 Dress Down Day Students may bring a Valentine’s box to collect their special notes. If … Continue reading

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This weeks learning is…

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Brandon Mull-Go see him!

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What am I learning?

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Permission Form for Valentine’s Treats

Stores are now stocked and ready for Valentine’s Day! Our class will be passing out Valentine’s cards Wednesday, February 14. Students may bring a Valentine’s box to collect their special notes. If they don’t bring one, I will provide a … Continue reading

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We have worked hard to earn a FUN day!!! Tomorrow, Friday Jan 12 our class will have a FUN FRIDAY! The kids can bring a stuffed animal that will fit on their desks. Not a huge one. If they bring … Continue reading

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