Category Archives: Uncategorized

Halloween Parade Changes

Quest Families,  Happy Halloween! We are planning on having a modified version of our annual Halloween parade on Friday, October 30th. Because the parade will start at 9:00am, we ask that students come to school already dressed in their costumes. … Continue reading

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Character Development-New Class @ Quest!

We have started implementing a “new” class to help kids develop their character and attitudes. As your kiddo about this 😉 TAKING IT HOME: In your weekly communication to home, please include the following note: Our class talked about using … Continue reading

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Halloween Parade

Quest Families,  Happy Halloween! We are planning on having a modified version of our annual Halloween parade on Friday, October 30th. Because the parade will start at 9:00am, we ask that students come to school already dressed in their costumes. There will be a virtual option … Continue reading

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Notification from: Quest Academy Happy Monday Quest families. Quick reminder for this week: Today is cookie dough/beef jerky fundraiser pickup. Times are as follows: 11-12:30, 2-6:00pm. Please be sure to pick up today because we have no way to refrigerate it … Continue reading

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Free Breakfast

Quest Families, We are excited to start offering breakfast this upcoming Monday! Breakfast, just like lunch, will be free to ALL students. Please note that these meals will be free until June! Though we originally thought this offer would end … Continue reading

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Fundraiser information

Cookie dough/beef jerky will be available to pick up on Monday, October 26th between 11-12:30 and 2-6pm. ALL orders need to be picked up on Monday as we have no way to keep them cold overnight. Dollar dress down will be Thursday, October 29th POQA still … Continue reading

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Parent Teacher Conference Details

Zoom code 944 695 4543 Password (all lowercase letters): rams Or you can join with this link PTC ZOOM LINK If you didn’t get a change to sign-up, you can today! Here is the info and LINK 🙂 Fall ZOOM … Continue reading

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Fall Conference Sign-ups

Fall ZOOM conferences will be help on Oct. 21-21. Please use this link to sign-up. If you can’t make these day/times, let me know and I will find another time to meet.

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