The Week of January 25th

Where has the month on January gone? This month has been packed with Dibels reading tests, i-Ready diagnostics and just getting back into the swing of things since Christmas break. Please see below of all the things we have happening this week and in the weeks to come!

Important Dates:

  • Monday 1/25 –
  • Tuesday, 1/26 – Character Class
  • Wednesday, 1/27 – Coding
  • Thursday, 1/28 – Library – Don’t forget your books!
  • Friday, 1/29 – Dollar Dress Down Day! Early Out @ 1:00
  • BOOK FAIR – 1/25 – 2/7 – Check out the flyer below!!
  • February 2 & 3 – Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences
  • February 5th – No School – Teacher Work Day
  • February 12th – Class Valentine’s Party
  • February 15th – No School – President’s Day

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES – It’s that time of year again! Parent Teacher Conferences will be February 2nd and 3rd. I will be using Bloomz for conference sign ups. Please log on to BLOOMZ and select a time that works for you and your family. Remember spots fill up fast, so make sure you sign up now to get the spot you want! I look forward to seeing you at our conference. If you have not signed up for BLOOMZ, please do so ASAP. Our class code is: TCU8RJ. PLEASE SIGN UP! We will have conferences virtually again and I will email you a link on the day of your conference.

Class Valentine’s Party – On Friday, February 12th, we will have a small class Valentine’s day party. Students may bring a Valentine’s box from home and a Valentine for each of our class members. We have 26 children in our class. Please DO NOT put any names on the Valentines & no food items as per Quest Academy Food Policy.

Math –This week we will move onto two step word problems. Below is the family letter from our math work book the explains what we are doing in class. On the second page of the letter, there is an activity to help students with word problems. You are not required to do the activity, it is just a suggestion if you would like your child to practice at home. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE ARE DONE WITH MULTIPLICATION. MANY STUDENTS ARE STILL WORKING ON MEMORIZING THEIR FACTSWhile we work on our multiplication facts in class, it is so important that students practice their facts at home. 3rd graders are required to pass of their 0-10 facts before they move onto 4th grade!

ELA – This week we are working on Unit 4 Week 3 in our Wonders book. Below is an outline of what we will be learning.

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