What the heck is even going on??


After many meetings and lots of Ibuprofen and Coke Zero, we have come up with a plan for how school will be running over the next two weeks. Administration has emailed information to all families with details about when student work and devices can be picked up.

Student Work Packets: There are 2 separate bundles in the envelope, one for this week and one for next week. In the Student Packet, you will find all of our classwork which is organized by day and outlined on the Daily Agenda. The agenda specifies the time that students should log on to Google Classroom and Google Meet for live instruction, as well as a list of the work that should be completed daily. An instructional video on how to do this can be found by following this link:
A link to access Google Classroom can also be found on the blog. 

Live Instruction: We will be using the Google Meet’s App for live Math and ELA instruction each day.  All students are welcome to join our discussion.  If students are unable to log on during the live stream, a video of the instruction will be posted to the Google Classroom Stream later that day. This will also be linked in the Google Classroom assignment for the day. We will give it a try this Wednesday and Thursday and see how it goes. 
Student Login Cards: Each packet includes a student login card that includes all of the information that they will need for any of the online programs.

Please be open to changes as we figure out a routine that works for all of us.  We will miss seeing all of your kids, but hope everyone stays healthy and safe.  As always, please reach out if you have any questions.

 Don’t lose your minds (or login cards),

The 3rd Grade Teachers

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