Author Archives: ashlyn.arrington

Virtual Back to School Night

Our first virtual Back to School Night will be held on Tuesday, August 18 6:30-7:30. This will be to answer any questions from the video below, or just general coming back to school questions!  I will have a Zoom link for you to visit … Continue reading

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Welcome to Third Grade!!

Hello! I hope that you are having a fantastic summer so far and are getting ready for an amazing school year.  I am so EXCITED to have your child in my class this year and I can’t wait to get … Continue reading

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Last Week of School Schedule (May 18th-22nd)

This is our last week of school.  This is our testing week so our schedule will be different than normal.  Students will be taking the i-Ready diagnostic test.  For this test, students will need to login to our Zoom meeting … Continue reading

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May 11th-15th

WE’VE GOT THIS!!!  I just cannot believe how amazing you all have been throughout this entire experience.  We have 1 week left of our regular schedule and then we will be following our Testing Schedule. I will be sending out … Continue reading

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May 4th-8th

WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE???  This is crazy that we are in the last month of school.  There are a bunch of announcements this week so please make sure that you read through the blog carefully, and check if often.Something … Continue reading

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April 27th- May 1st

Last Friday was so much fun!! Thank you for letting me come to your homes and drop items off for you child.  I loved seeing their faces, and talking to them.  I really miss seeing all of my kids everyday … Continue reading

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Good Morning! This afternoon for our activity we will be playing Bingo! Below is a slideshow of different bingo cards. Please only print the card that coincides with their class number!Sampson Time Bingo!!!Mrs. Sampson

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Friday Drop Off

Hello wonderful parents,I have put together all of the student’s remaining things from the school, along with a small gift. This Friday I would like to come by and drop these off to the kiddos. This will just be a … Continue reading

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April 20-24

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!  A huge shout out to all of you awesome parents!  I have the best students in our class and the best parents.  This whole online learning is tough but you are killing it and … Continue reading

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The week of April 13th

WE MADE IT!!! I want to thank you for all that you have done and for all of your support. I admire all the parents that are doing what they can to help their child. I appreciate everyone sticking with our … Continue reading

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