Author Archives: ashlyn.arrington

The week of September 5th

I hope you had a fantastic Labor Day and that you enjoyed your long weekend! I’m so impressed with the way my students have learned the routines of our classroom and how excited they’ve been to dive right into the … Continue reading

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The week of August 29th

What a great group of students! I am already seeing their fun personalities start to emerge and have enjoyed getting to know them better during these first weeks of school! Just a reminder that if you have not paid your … Continue reading

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The week of August 22nd

We had an amazing first three days of school. Your children already have a special place in my heart and I am so excited for the school year. To help you keep on top of what we are doing in … Continue reading

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Welcome to 3rd Grade

I am so excited to meet all the students in my class this year! We’re going to have a great time together and learn a lot of fun things. Third grade is my FAVORITE year in elementary school, and I … Continue reading

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The Last Week of School

I cannot believe that I am writing our last weekly blog post. Although it is the last week, we still have a ton of stuff going on. Please check out the important dates sections below for all of our happenings … Continue reading

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The Week of May 16th

We made it through the first week of testing. WAHOO! We will continue testing this week with our Math Rise test and our Dibels reading test. Please make sure that you are reading with your child every night. Multiplication Ice … Continue reading

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Week of May 9th

We made it through the first week of May. YAY!! Our schedule last week was full a practice testing and reviewing for our upcoming RISE test. We start on Monday. Please make sure that your child is getting a good … Continue reading

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The week of April 25th

Alright! It is crunch time. We will finish up our last math lesson and our last ELA lesson this week!! HOLY COW?!? Where did our time go? Just because we are finishing up our whole groups lessons does not mean … Continue reading

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The Week of April 18th

This week we will start our benchmark tests. This is a practice test for the end of level Rise test. This data will be used to know what my kids still need practice on. If you have any questions about … Continue reading

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Spring Picture Day!

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