Author Archives: ashlyn.arrington

Week of October 25th

Important Dates: Monday 25th @ 2:00 – Dressing our Apple Witches – Please let me know if you can help us out. Friday 29th – Halloween Parade and Party – See below for detailsNov. 3rd-4th – Parent Teacher Conferences – See below for … Continue reading

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The week of October 4th

A HUGE THANK YOU for all the families that participated in our school fundraiser! The school earned so much money that will be used on the students. THANK YOU! I have had some questions about tutoring after school! I have … Continue reading

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The Week of September 27th

A huge THANK YOU to all those that participated in our school fundraiser. All of the cookie dough and beef jerky money goes to fund school field trips and other school improvements, so THANK YOU. Below is some important information … Continue reading

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The week of September 20th

Last Friday we kicked off our school fundraiser with an awesome assembly. We are selling Cookie Dough & Beef Jerky again this year to help fund student activities (ie field trips) and school improvements.  Your child’s student packet will be sent home tomorrow … Continue reading

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The week of September 13th

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. We are off to a great start and I am so excited to see the growth that every child makes this year. Just a reminder that if you have not paid your $30.00 donation … Continue reading

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The week of September 6th

I hope you had a fantastic Labor Day and that you enjoyed your long weekend! I’m so impressed with the way my students have learned the routines of our classroom and how excited they’ve been to dive right into the … Continue reading

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The Week of August 30th

What a great group of students! I am already seeing their fun personalities start to emerge and have enjoyed getting to know them better during these first few days of school! Just a reminder that if you have not paid … Continue reading

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WELCOME to 3rd Grade!!!

Hello! I hope that you are having a fantastic summer so far and are getting ready for an amazing school year.  I am so EXCITED to have your child in my class this year and I can’t wait to get … Continue reading

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Our Last Week of School

I can’t not believe that this is our last weekly post for the year. I am blown away with how fast the year has gone by. We have survived a crazy school year and I am so amazed and proud … Continue reading

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The Week of May 17th

First off a huge THANK YOU to all the parents that donated supplies and/or volunteered for our Multiplication Ice Cream Party. We cannot do these fun activities without your help and contributions, so THANK YOU!!! This week we have our … Continue reading

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