Category Archives: Uncategorized

The week of April 11th

WELCOME BACK!! I hope everyone had a fabulous and restful spring break. Now that spring break is behind us we have so much to do and so little time. Please really try hard to have your child here everyday. We … Continue reading

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The week of March 28th

I am so excited because our field trip is this week. We will be going to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium on Tuesday and here is our schedule for the day. We will be in the classroom at 8:30 to … Continue reading

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The Week of March 21st

Our field trip to the aquarium is getting closer and I am so excited! If you have not done so, please make sure that you fill out the permission form for our field trip. The permission form and money are due … Continue reading

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The week of March 14th

Please make sure that you fill out the permission form for our field trip. We are going to the aquarium. Here is the link with all of the details and the permission form – Important Dates: Monday, March 21st – … Continue reading

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Loveland Living Planet Aquarium Field Trip Form

We decided to move the information and permission slip for the field trip to an online form.

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The Week of March 7th

MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! We are so excited to announce that the 3rd graders will be going on a field trip on March 29th. We will be going to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium in Draper. The donation cost for students … Continue reading

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The Week of February 28th

This week is Positive Me Week! Everyday there will be a different ways that student can dress up for school. Please check out the poster below for the schedule. Important Dates: Feb. 28th – March 4th – Positive Me Week! See … Continue reading

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The week of Feb. 22

I hope that everyone has a great long weekend. Check out below for what we are working on this week. Important Dates: Monday, Feb. 21st – President’s Day – No SchoolTuesday, Feb. 22nd – 2/22/22 Day! We will be doing a variety … Continue reading

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The Week of Feb. 14th

HAPPY VALENTINE”S DAY! We will be having our Valentine’s exchange on Monday, the 14th. Students can bring valentines for everyone in our class (there are 27 students). Please DO NOT label the valentines in the “TO:” section. This takes forever … Continue reading

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The Week of February 7th

Hello! I absolutely loved meeting with everyone who came to Parent Teacher Conferences. Your child loved showing off their Google Site and the Pixton PTC form. I loved having the students lead this conference and explain what goals they set … Continue reading

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