Super LONG notes for the week! SORRY!

Reader’s Digest Version: 
1. Field Trip on THURSDAY! Be in class, ready to go at 8:25. Our class has to be divided up, so stay with your assigned teacher and parent chaperone the ENTIRE TIME! Dress warm, wear good shoes, and bring a cold lunch!!! 

2. October Project is attached! Make sure you read all the directions so you know what is expected! 

3. Homework: Same as always! Spelling EVERY night, Read 20 minutes each night, and do math fluency at least twice! 

Regular Version: 
1. Our field trip os THURSDAY! We are the luck class that has to be split up for this field trip. Here are the groups: 

Bokinskie:           Shipman:               Smedley:            Herzog:
Joseph*                  Jacoby                       Matthew*             Jack*
Ashton*                  Brianna                     PJ                          Chase*
Adam M.                Alivia                         Tyler                     Trista
Rylei**                  Kaily*                         Kianna*                Adam C.*
Taylor                    Amyrlin**                 Marlee                  Phillip
Brandon               Cameron                    Jaime                   Timothy
Aidan                                                         Cyris*

* Parent is a chaperone
**Parent is a chaperone and riding the bus! 
If this has changed, please let me know as soon as possible so that i can make adjustments to the groups so everyone is SAFE! The weather is supposed to be slightly cool, but not rainy! The majority of this field trip is spent outside, so please bring a jacket and wear good shoes! Students should bring a backpack with their lunch, a jacket, and a water bottle! Students MUST BE in uniform, but jacket DOES NOT need to be uniform appropriate! 

2. October Project is ready to go! This is a super fun project that helps our younger students get more excited about reading! Here are all the details including due dates and required elements! Make sure to read carefully and let me know if you have questions or concerns! Trick or ReadingTrick or Book Examples

Thanks! Enjoy your week! 
♥Mrs. Chidester
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