Notes for the WEEK!

It’s the last FULL week of SCHOOL!! Isn’t that crazy??
Here are the notes for this crazy busy week!

Monday: We will be working on our End of the Year Memory Books! I am excited to see what the kids come up with for this final class project! RENDEZVOUS PROJECTS are DUE!!!! We will also be talking about economics and getting ready for the Rendezvous!
Tuesday: More End of Year Books and a special project in the iMac lab to finish off the year!
Wednesday: FIELD TRIP! Meet at the FrontRunner station at 8:20! I have all the passes for students and parents, but remember to bring the $7.50 for the museum IN CASH if you are one of the parents that needs to pay. I will post the field trip groups Tuesday. Remember to bring a cold lunch!!! Pick your kids up at 2:45 at the FrontRunner Station! Please do not send your kids with electronics! I am NOT responsible for lost or stolen ANYTHING!
Thursday: We will be finishing our iMac projects, our books, and setting up for the Rendezvous!
Friday: 9:00-11:30: Rotations in the fourth grade classrooms! I need 3 or 4 parents who are not scared of getting crafty with fourth graders to volunteer in my classroom during this time. If you can help, let me know!!! It will be SUPER fun!! 11:30- 12:15: Clean up and set up the gym! 12:15-1:30 Movie and Pizza in the gym. I have two people who have not filled out the permission slip!! Please don’t make me give your child an alternate activity! We would love to have a few parents help during this time as well! 1:30-2:30 Economics Fair, all fourth graders will be in the gym buying and selling products. Again, we need some parents to supervise the madness……I mean… students to appropriate interactions and behavior while learning the in’s and out’s of a basic economy….. 😉 Don’t feel like you have to come all day! Even if you can stop in for part of the time we would appreciate the help! 

Let me know if you want to help! PHEW……after that you all deserve Monday off!
Thanks, -Mrs. Chidester
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2 Responses to Notes for the WEEK!

  1. Michele Ware says:

    Scott can come from 1:30 to 2:30 and help!

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