Monthly Project Page

I will post all the details for the monthly projects here…so you can find them easier! Cause I post a lot of stuff…….
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

March Project: 
Details coming soon!!! 

February Project 
-Wax Museum Details! 
Biography Wax Museum 2015

January Project: 

Ancestor Essay Details 
Sons of the Utah Pioneers Essay Contest Assignment 2015

December Project: 
My VERY favorite project of the year! Please make sure you tae time on this project and make something you are PROUD to give! 

Box of Hope Project Details and Rubric: 

Letter and Permission Slip: 
Boxes Of Hope and Inspiration Project

DUE: DECEMBER 15th NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!! Please make sure that I can open your box without ripping the paper! 

Boxes will be exchanged on December 19th during our Polar Express Party! 

November Project: 

Students will use a word program to create a book about animal adaptations. Please make sure that you turn in quality work! Remember not to wait until the last minute!!! This project WILL take time to research and complete! 

October Project Pages: 
Here is all the information for the Pumpkin Book Report! 
Trick or Book Examples      Trick or Reading

September 2014 Project: 

Native American Research Project: 
Objective: Students will research a Native American tribe with ties to Utah and create a PowerPoint Presentation. The research will include the use of internet research sites, books, and social studies text book research. Students will create a Power Point presentation on the tribe utilizing the save functions, the cut and paste functions, importing clip art and pictures, formatting slides, and adding animations and voice recordings.

All research needs to be completed by September 17! Students may use the research tabs on the blog, books from the library, or other materials as deemed safe by their parents! Please be aware that random internet searches can have negative results (especially google images), so be careful and responsible while researching.

Details: Students should complete the research planner at home. The planner needs to be filled in completely, using complete sentences, and appropriate grammar and spelling conventions. The planner should be returned to school on (or before September 17 when we will begin creating our power points. 

Planner: 2014 POWERPOINT PRESENTATION 4th grade 
**This was also sent home with students today! 
Please remember when searching for information on the internet: 

      1. BE SAFE! Don’t search sites that haven’t been previewed by an adult! 
      2. Look for reliable sites. Here are a few things to consider: PDF file 4th Grade Power Point Lesson on Tribes
      3. You have to SITE your sources! Remember our lesson on PLAGIARISM! Make sure you are creating your    bibliography as you go! 
      4. NEVER give out your personal information online!!!! 
Anasazi:          Fremont:            Navajo:                Ute:                  Paiute:          Shoshone:
1. Rylei            1. Amyrlin           1. Matthew          1. Brandon         1. Jacoby      1. Joseph
2. Adam          2. Phillip             2.  Timothy         2.  Shelby           2. PJ             2. Jaime
3.  Cameron    3.  Taylor            3.  Cyris               3.  Alivia            3.  Kaily        3. Trista
4.  Marlee        4.   Tyler            4.  Kianna                                                              4. Brianna
5.   AShton                                  5.  Aidan                                                                 5. Chase

Thanks, and enjoy learning about our Utah Native American Tribes! 

March/April Project: 

As promised (a whole week early) here are the details and schedule for the April project! I am so excited to turn the teaching duties over to your kiddos and see what they have learned this year! Each student met with me to make sure that they understood the assignment, the due dates, and their standard so they should be good to GO!! So here goes! 

April Science Project

And HERE is the schedule! Just so ya know, I used the highly sophisticated choose stick system to determine to make this schedule!  I have also uploaded the schedule to the classroom google calendar for you viewing pleasure! 

Science project schedule

And HERE is the rubric so you know how I will be grading!!! 

http:/Rubric: Science Presentation Rubric 

Remember that if you choose to use a video it cannot be longer than 5 minutes. Make sure your activity is one that the whole class can participate in! 

♥ Mrs. Chidester

February Project Details and Due Dates: 
February 7th: Biography Book Mark Due. Book Read 
February 10-14th: Biography Book Mark Typed in class
February 12th: Speech Written and ready to practice. 
February 24th: Trifold Due For Grading
February 25th: Dress Rehearsal during school. Come in costume ready to go! Bring a uniform to change into for the rest of the day. 
February 27th: A night at the Museum! 5:30-6:30 Invite everyone you know so you can show off your genius child!! 

Details:   Biography Wax Museum2014 

January Project Details and Due Dates: 
5 Generation Chart: Due January 14th
Final Typed Essay: Due January 31st 
Details: Sons of the Utah Pioneers Essay Contest Assignment 
  Ancestor Essay Examples #2 
  Ancestor Essay Example 1

December Project Details: 
Remember only the decorated box, the handmade gift, and the creative illustration need to be completed at home. The rest will be completed in class! We will be drawing names on Tuesday in class so wait to get started until you know who you are giving your box to!
Enjoy!! Boxes Of Hope and Inspiration Project  


Here are the details for the November project!
The rubric would not upload correctly, so instead, I sent it home with each student on Monday, November 11th! Thanks, and let me know if you have questions!

November Project Details

21 Responses to Monthly Project Page

  1. Hi Mrs.Chidester! I am sick today and I can’t come to school so, I’m staying home and reading my monthly project book. See you when I come back! 😉

  2. Trista :-) says:

    What do I call a fly that looks like a wasp?

    • becky.chidester says:

      That is the point of research! To figure out important thing like that! Good luck! I can’t wait to see what you find out!

  3. Timothy says:

    Do we have to do the stuff in the pages for the November project or can we do other stuff like food, habitat and fun facts?

  4. Timothy says:

    Mrs. Chidester, do we have to do that stuff on the “November project details” or, can we do other stuff like Habitat, camoflauge, food and fun facts?

  5. Timothy says:

    Whoops ha ha I accidently sent in two, sorry! It didn’t look like it worked for me D:

  6. Adam Morgan says:

    What would a thorny devil be?

  7. Taylor Larsen says:

    Mrs. Chidester,
    For our animal adaptations book can we make it and then send it in to be made like a real book?

  8. Jacoby says:

    Awesome! 😀

  9. Jacoby says:

    The January one is sooooooooooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Adam M says:

    Can we type the essay part of the January project?

  11. Adam M says:

    I finished my January project

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