I hope you have a wonderful time this week while on Fall Break! I will see you on Monday when we jump right into LONG DIVISION!

Enjoy, and be SAFE!!
♥ Mrs. Chidester 
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Has invaded our classroom! I am the fifth person in the class to get it! PLEASE, if your child is running a fever, has a sore throat, or acts super sick, KEEP THEM HOME!!! I will happily help them make up anything they miss while gone! We will be washing desks, doorknobs, and everything else as often as possible to try and keep the spread of germs down! 

Thanks for your help!

♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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I need some HELP please!

Anyone want to volunteer to plan and organize the class HALLOWEEN PARTY???? It will held on October 30th, from 1-2:45. I would love for someone to take charge, if not I will plan it, and I’ve told I am quite LAME………..

If you are interested in helping, let me know as soon as possible! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester
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I really want to make cheesecloth ghosts to go along with our in-class writing project. In order to do this I will need 27 two liter bottles! Please if you have ANY send them in as soon as possible! I would love to do this project next TUESDAY so we will need them turned in before then! 


Mrs. Chidester 

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This WEEK!

Hope you all had a FABULOUS weekend! Here are the notes for the week! Enjoy!!!

1.  Homework: Same as last week! Spelling each night, math fluency at least twice a week, and read 20 minutes each night! Remember, you are trying to get 460 (20 minutes each night Monday-Friday) minutes by the end of the month to earn your PIZZA HUT FREE PIZZA! If you get 620 minutes (20 minutes each night including weekends)….you get a special SECRET prize as well! 

2.  Watch for our Native American PowerPoints on the Student’s Corner page posted this week! We are ALMOST finished and I will post them as soon as they are completed! We will begin working on our FALL BREAK FUN project this week in class! They will be posted to out bulletin board in front of the classroom as well as the blog as they are completed! 

3. We will be finishing up double digit multiplication this week as well! Plan on the test being given on Friday! 

4. Next week is FALL BREAK! Monday is normal, Tuesday is a short day, and NO SCHOOL Wednesday-Friday! I hope you enjoy this TIME OFF with your kids and remember to bring pictures of all the FUN STUFF you do! There will be NO HOMEWORK that week! YAY!!!!

5. If you would like to meet with me for October’s SEP conferences, let me know. I have 5 appointments available at the following times: 
and 4:50

Let me know if you have questions, concerns, comments, or complaints! 
♥Mrs. Chidester
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Field Trip!

Thanks to all the parents who attended the field trip today! I LOVE that you were so patient with me (even when things got changed for the TENTH time)!! I seriously have the best parents in the ENTIRE school and just appreciate you so much! Look for pictures, a movie, and our turn on RAMS News coming soon! 

~Mrs. Chidester 

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Pumpkin Book Report

Hello-Your wonderful students have signed up for the book they are choosing to read for the October project! Here is the list so you know what book they are reading as well.If you have questions or concerns, let me know!
Trista: Spirit Animals #2
Matthew: Bone
Taylor: Percy Jackson #5
Marlee: I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916
Ashton: Bunicula
PJ: Belly Up
Kianna: The Indian in the Cupboard
Aidan: Skylander: The Machine of Doom *I am assuming this is a chapter book…….right?
Phillip: Fantastic Mr. Fox
Jacoby: The Brightest Night (Wings of Fire #5)
Tyler: Ready Freddy
Brandon: Flat Stanley
Alivia: Flat Stanley #7
Adam M. Spirit Animals #4
Rylei: Star Wars # 1
Brianna: The Fire Within
Joseph: Aragon
Jack: Lost and Found
Chase: I Survived Hurricane Katrina
Adam C: Jedi Academy #1
Cameron:I survived the Sinking of the Titanic
Jaime: Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Amyrlin:Wings of Fire #3
Cyris :Zombiekins
Timothy: Diary of a Wimpy Kid- Hard Luck
Kaily: The Indian in the Cupboard #3
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Lattice Multiplication!

It will BLOW YOUR MIND!!!!


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Field Trip Schedule!

Here is the PLAN for Thursday! Remember to bring a JACKET, A WATER BOTTLE, and a COLD LUNCH in your backpack! You should not have anything else in your backpack! 

8:20 Meet in Mrs. Chidester’s classroom for roll call and to get a name tag. *Chaperones can meet as well to get name tags and group assignments, or just meet us at the park, which ever is easier for you! 
8:30 Move to assigned classes to board the bus 
9:45 Arrive at “This is the Place” State Park **Parents attending need to bring $2.00 in cash to pay for their admission into the park! 
10:00-12:00 tour the park according to the assigned rotation schedule. Students need to STAY WITH THIER ASSIGNED TEACHER THE ENTIRE TIME! 
12:00-12:45 Ride the train around the park and lunch! 
 12:45-1:00 Board the busses with your assigned teacher! **If your parents CHOSE to check you out, they must do so with the teacher you have been assigned to! 
2:20 Arrive at Quest 
** We will be having recess and completing a small art project until school is dismissed at 3. 

If you have QUESTIONS, CONCERNS, or COMPLAINTS, let me know! 
♥ Mrs. Chidester 

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Super LONG notes for the week! SORRY!

Reader’s Digest Version: 
1. Field Trip on THURSDAY! Be in class, ready to go at 8:25. Our class has to be divided up, so stay with your assigned teacher and parent chaperone the ENTIRE TIME! Dress warm, wear good shoes, and bring a cold lunch!!! 

2. October Project is attached! Make sure you read all the directions so you know what is expected! 

3. Homework: Same as always! Spelling EVERY night, Read 20 minutes each night, and do math fluency at least twice! 

Regular Version: 
1. Our field trip os THURSDAY! We are the luck class that has to be split up for this field trip. Here are the groups: 

Bokinskie:           Shipman:               Smedley:            Herzog:
Joseph*                  Jacoby                       Matthew*             Jack*
Ashton*                  Brianna                     PJ                          Chase*
Adam M.                Alivia                         Tyler                     Trista
Rylei**                  Kaily*                         Kianna*                Adam C.*
Taylor                    Amyrlin**                 Marlee                  Phillip
Brandon               Cameron                    Jaime                   Timothy
Aidan                                                         Cyris*

* Parent is a chaperone
**Parent is a chaperone and riding the bus! 
If this has changed, please let me know as soon as possible so that i can make adjustments to the groups so everyone is SAFE! The weather is supposed to be slightly cool, but not rainy! The majority of this field trip is spent outside, so please bring a jacket and wear good shoes! Students should bring a backpack with their lunch, a jacket, and a water bottle! Students MUST BE in uniform, but jacket DOES NOT need to be uniform appropriate! 

2. October Project is ready to go! This is a super fun project that helps our younger students get more excited about reading! Here are all the details including due dates and required elements! Make sure to read carefully and let me know if you have questions or concerns! Trick or ReadingTrick or Book Examples

Thanks! Enjoy your week! 
♥Mrs. Chidester
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