Check out our weekly video production of RAMS News!

May 18, 2015 By: Trista, Jack, Chase, Bransdon and Aidan! 
May 11, 2015 By: Phillip, Timothy, Cameron, Adam M., and Adam C. 
May 4, 2015 By: Rylei, Taylor, Jacoby, Brianna, Marlee, and Kianna
April 27, 2015 By: Tyler, Ashton, PJ, Phillip, Cyris, Jaime
April 20, 2015 By: PJ, Tyler and Phillip!
April 13, 2015 By: Trista and Kianna
Aprli 6th, BY: Ashton and Cyris
March 23rd, By Rylie and Taylor
March 16, 2015 By: Kaily and Alivia
MArch 9, 2015 By: Trista, PJ and Brianna
March 2, 2015 By: Rylei, Amyrlin, and Kaily
February 23, 2015 By: Joseph, Tyler, and Jaime
February 17, 2015 By: Taylor and Amyrlin
February 9, 2015 By: Aidan, Adam C, Adam M, Cyris
February 2, 2015 By: Brandon, Ashton, and Phillip
January 26, 2015 By: Timothy, Chase, and Phillip
>January 19, 2015 By: Brandon, Cameron, and Aidan!!! January 12, 2015 By Chase, Timothy, Brandon, and Jack 
December 15, 2014 By Jacoby and Kianna
December 8, 2014 by Jaime and PJ 

December 1, 2014 by Marlee, Kianna, Kaily, Amyrlin November 17, 2014 by Jaime, Joseph, Jack, and Camera-Man Cameron! November 10, 2014
November 3, 2014 by Tyler, Phillip, and P.J.
October 27, 2014 by Marlee, Rylei, and Brianna October 13, 2014 by Jacoby, Brianna, Alivia, and Trista
October 6, 2014 By Adam C., Adam M, Tyler, and Aidan
September 29, 2014 Staring Rylei, Amyrlin, Phillip, and Brianna!!!
September 22, 2014! Staring Matthew, Jack, Timothy, and CameronSeptember 15, 2014. Staring Alivia, Taylor, and Marlee!
September 8, 2014 Staring Matthew, Adam and Cyris
Sept 1, 2014 RAMS News 

13 Responses to RAMS News

  1. I love the rams news videos and I love making them!

  2. Aidan phillips says:

    boom chika boom hanging out with apples watching rams news

    when do I do rams news

  3. Timothy weiss says:

    Rams news is awesome, loved making it Mrs. Chidester!

  4. Timothy weiss says:

    Mrs. Chidester, I just watched the rams news and you put Timothy Wallece and not Weiss.

    • becky.chidester says:

      I didn’t make RAMS news. Sorry! Make sure you check your teams work!! We will make sure to check extra well next time!

  5. marlee dall says:

    watch this week’s video it got messed up and Jack doesn’t say right in front of me and music was added over the book fair videos

    • becky.chidester says:

      It sometimes changes when you finalize everything. I fixed the music, but I can’t get it lined up so that Jack says, “Right in front of me,” again. Sorry….hope the newly posted one meets you strict criteria a little better!

  6. marlee dall says:

    did you also add more stuff ?

    • becky.chidester says:

      I just added a quick “Thanks You” note to the administration and parents! Remember I get to have final say on the editing and I wanted to thank people!

  7. Pingback: Watch us sing on the Rams News | Mrs. Hills' & Mrs. Teichert's Class Blog

    • becky.chidester says:

      You GUYS are soooooo cute! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us! Thank you for singing one of my favorite Christmas carols! We love our first graders!!!!

      -Mrs. Chidester

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