Dear parents,
There were many of you who signed up to help out with class parties at Back to School night. If you are still interested, please let me know if you are okay with me giving your contact information to our Room Parent. Please email me at with your name and preferred contact info. I cannot give your information to her until permission is given.
Also, we seem to have a thief in our midst. Things have been disappearing that belong to either myself or the students. This needs to stop. Please talk to your students about what has been happening in our classroom. A student’s bling coop (the chick from the fundraiser) went missing the last 30 minutes of the day today from her mailbox. We searched the classroom and we chatted about honesty. I am no longer allowing the chicks in the classroom because they have turned in to quite a problem.
Thanks for all you do,
Mrs. Zimm
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