Thank you for all your support! We have plenty of cardboard now! You have been so great to bring in your donations! I’ve had a few parents ask if we are in need of anything in our classroom, so I thought I would send this to everyone. The only thing we are really running low on is copy paper. And we are always willing to take donations for the school store. Thank you all for everything you do!
Friday was a bit of an off day as I had to go home sick. We had an unusual amount of sick teachers and students recently. We try our best in the classroom to keep the germs at bay, but we could use your help. If your child is still feeling under the weather, please keep them home. I appreciate having students there every day, but the most important thing is everyone’s health. If they are miserable, let them rest. We will get them caught up when they return.
On a more fun note….our Valentine’s Party is just around the corner!! We’ve had some parents emailing asking if they can help. I will pass your information on to our room parent. If anyone else is interested in helping out with our Valentine’s Day party, please email me at with your name and contact information. 🙂
Because it is a short week, you may cross out Monday on the Weekly Reading Log as homework this week. Please remember that homework also comes home in their homework folder each week!
Reading- WeeklyReadingLog
Math- Math HW 1 Math HW 2
Science- Map Homework
This video can help with identifying the continents and oceans. Continents and Oceans Video
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