Category Archives: Uncategorized

Friday is Dollar Dress Down Day AND Fluffy Friend Day

A message went out today about Dollar Dress Down Friday.  Students may also bring a small stuffed animal to school.  This must be small enough to sit on the corner of their desk.

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Homework 4/23-4/27

Please print the following for homework.  Remember that additional homework comes home in the folder each week as well.Reading- WeeklyReadingLogAlphabet Days4/23-4/27B-Baby picture day. Bring a baby picture to show your friends. Please write your name on the back. I will also … Continue reading

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Alphabet Countdown!

The end of the year is almost here! We are going to count down the last 26 days by celebrating a letter of the alphabet each day. Participation in these extra activities will be based on student behavior in class. … Continue reading

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Spring Pictures on Tuesday

Dear parents,Students may dress down tomorrow for Spring Pictures. The theme is “Heartland.” Here is some more info:*Do not send money.*There is no obligation to buy.*We will send home a package for you to review before you buy.*You will be … Continue reading

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Homework 4/16-4/20

Please print the following for homework this week.  Please remember that additional homework comes home in the homework folder.Reading- WeeklyReadingLog

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Mark your calendars!!!

Thank you to those of you that let me know if a specific day would be best for you.  I have taken that information and gotten all the assigned days filled for the animal presentations next week.  Please note the … Continue reading

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Another way to help out….

The Rube Goldberg team is doing everything they can to get to Nationals!  Let’s help them out!

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This Friday is a Dollar Dress Down day!

All money collected on Friday will go toward helping our Rube Goldberg team at the National Competition!!!

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Homework 4/9-4/13

Welcome Back!!  I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break!  We only have seven week left of the school year and so much to do!Please complete the following for homework this week.  Remember that additional homework comes home in the … Continue reading

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   Below is the link for the instructions and grading rubric we will be using for the dioramas.  This project should be completed at home.  I posted earlier about this project and sent home a paper copy on yellow paper. Projects … Continue reading

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