Homework October 8-12

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Kindergarten homework is 20 minutes of reading each night. Your student will receive a reading log (in the homework folder) on Monday and it will be turned in on Friday. Reading 20 minutes a night is so important for your student. The reading needs to include: flashcards and baggie book practice. Reading time can also include somebody reading to your student, shared reading between them and a partner, audio listening to a book, etc. 
I know time is precious… please take the time to read to and with your student. Their success depends on it. You will be amazed at what reading 20 minutes a night will do for your student. 
There may be the occasional worksheet practice or something I would like them to practice as homework. If this is the case, I will put it in their homework folder with a note. Otherwise homework will be 20 minutes of reading each night
The students will receive a punch on their punch pass (here in class) for baggie book pass off and for a completed reading log at the end of the week. When their punch pass is full (10 punches) they get to pick out of our prize box. 

I am sending home practice pages in your students homework folder. They are NOT required. They are for at home practice. However, if your student brings them back finished they will get an addition punch in their treasure box punch card. 
Image result for treasure box clipart

Keep Practicing!!
The sight words we are working on this week are:


These are a few other things we are working on this week.
*In math we are working on ways to make 6 and 7.
*Counting by ones to 100.
*Counting by fives and tens to 100.
*Beginning or First sound in a word. Example: Moon begins with the first sound /mmm/.
*Ending sound in a word. Example: Ham ends with the ending sound /mmm/.
*What is a noun? person, place, or thing
*Our focus letter this week is P.
*A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.
*Title, author, illustrator of a book.

Please have your student practice writing their name. 

Thank you so much for all your help at home. It makes a world of difference. 
Mrs. Hill

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