Homework #17 Feb. 5 – Feb. 8


Here is this weeks homework! 
Please complete and return Thursday! (We have a field trip on Friday)

Practice those ABC and sight word flashcards!
For extra math practice… IXL work on Addition to 5 and 10
                                                         Subtraction to 5 and 10
Practice writing numbers 0-20

Sight words we are focusing on this week:



Homework #17 Feb. 5 – Feb. 8

Valentines Day Wednesday February 14th

Image result for kindergarten valentines day images

I am in need of some help. We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Wednesday, February 14th. I would love to have a mom or two from each class (AM and PM) who is willing to take charge of our Valentine’s Party. The AM class party would be from 10:00 – 11:00 am. The PM class party would be from 2:00 – 3:00 pm. We would just need a couple of activities. Please email me if you are willing to help with this. 

Valentine’s Day is a great day for the kids to express their appreciation and love for their friends in our class. Of course we DO NOT allow food items with our Valentine cards, but the cards are great. If you choose, you may attach toy type items, but it is not necessary. You would be surprised how much they love reading the cards from their friends and checking out the different theme cards. To make this easier for the students to deliver, please DO NOT put individual names on the cards. Please have them practice their own name by putting who it is from. 

We will be decorating a Valentine’s day bag in class. It will be a white lunch sack, however if you so choose you are welcome to create a Valentine’s box and bring it on Valentine’s day. I don’t have space to store them before hand. Please do not feel obligated or stressed to make a box, but you are welcome to. 

The AM class has 12 Girls and 9 Boys
The PM class has 11 Girls and 11 Boys

Thanks so much!
Mrs. Hill

Homework #16 Jan. 29 – Feb. 2


Here is this weeks homework! Please complete and return Friday!
Practice those ABC and sight word flashcards!
For extra math practice… IXL work on Addition to 5 and 10
                                                         Subtraction to 5 and 10

Sight words we are focusing on this week:



Homework #16 Jan. 29 – Feb. 2

100 days of Kindergarten Celebration

Image result for 100th day of school
On Friday February 2, we will be celebrating our 100th day of kindergarten. We will be completing all sorts of fun math activities on that day! I am sending home a white paper lunch sack labeled with your child’s name. Please help your child fill this bag with 100 items, and have your child bring the collection to share with our class on Friday February 2. The students will be using these items to practice counting to 100 by ones, five, and tens. They will bring the items back home this same day. Please NO food items. Some suggestions include 100 paperclips, 100 stickers, 100 legos, 100 pennies, ect. The possibilities are endless. 
Thank you.
Mrs. Hill

Parent Teacher Conference

Parent teacher conference

There will be no Kindergarten on February 21st (Wednesday).  Instead we will be holding Parent Teacher Conferences.  We will have appointments available on February 20th (Tuesday Evening),  February 21st (Wednesday during the day) and February 22nd (Thursday Evening).  It is important that I meet with every parent to talk about your child’s progress and our goals, please schedule an appointment on my sign-up genius below. 
Hurry, slots fill up fast! 

Parent Teacher Conference Sign up

Field Trip Friday February 9th

Field trip

Hello Parents.  I wanted to remind you that we have our field  trip scheduled on Friday, February 9th.  We will be going to the Tree House Museum.  All students in my class will wear a BLUE shirt for the field trip. Any uniform bottom is fine. We will leave the school at 8:45 am and be back at 12:00 pm.  We will be at the Tree House from 9:30 am – 11:30 am.  All AM and PM kindergarten meet at the school at 8:30am on the playground where they line up each morning. We will go straight to the bus and skip the classroom.  The students have to ride the bus to the Tree House.  Parent volunteer must drive to the Tree House as there is only enough space on the bus for the students.  Since you will be driving to the field trip, feel free to check them out with me at the end and take them from there.  I will have a sign out sheet for you to sign your child out.  Otherwise, they will need to take the bus back with us.  We will be back at 12:00 (noon).  So, make sure you are at the school on time to pick your child up.  Also, if your child goes to daycare, make sure daycare knows the change of schedule.

If you would like to volunteer, please email me.  NO SIBLINGS PLEASE!  The Tree House does not allow sibling to come on the field trip.  However, we are allowed as many ADULTS as want to come.  So, if you want to go on a field trip with your child, this one is guaranteed.  I want to put together groups, so please email me as soon as possible if you want to volunteer. A permission slip is required, so please click the link to complete it.