Turkey is Disguise

Your child Brought home a picture of a very “distressed” turkey. He or she doesn’t want to end up on someone’s Thanksgiving table. Therefore, the turkey needs a disguise. Please allow your child to outfit the turkey in the most creative way they can come up with (you may want to help). Any medium may be used, i.e.: construction paper, cloth, felt, feathers, etc. Please cut out the turkey and return it to school by wednesday Nov. 8th. Thank you for all your support and help. You can google “Turkey in disguise” and look at some pretty cute ideas.

Disguise Turkey examples


Halloween Party and Parade

Thank you to everyone that helped make our Halloween Party a success!! it was so much fun!!

November Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences will be on November 7th and 9th. There will be NO KINDERGARTEN on November 7th as I will be doing conferences all day long.  

I have set up a SignUp Genius with the time slots available. There are plenty of slots so that I can meet with EACH of you about your child. It is very important that I meet with everyone to talk about your child’s progress and our goals. Please go to the link below to sign up for a time that works for you. Let me know if you have any questions.

Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up

Homework #6 Week of Oct. 30 – Nov. 3

Here is this weeks homework! 
Practice those ABC and sight word flashcards!

This is not required but if they are going onto IXL here are a few things they can practice:
Comparing: G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7
Numbers and Counting up to 10: C.5, C.6, C.7
Two-dimensional Shapes: V.1, V.2, V.3, V.4

Sight words we are focusing on this week:

Homework #6 Oct. 30 – Nov.3 

This Weeks Reminders

 Some things to remember this week! girl-holding-big-pencil_WhimsyClips

Monday: Oct. 30th Halloween Party NO COSTUMES TODAY!  (please make sure you signed the treat permission form)

Tuesday: Oct. 31st ALL KINDERGARTENS (AM and PM) come to school for the Halloween Parade at 8:30 and go home at 10:30. This is a short day.

Wednesday:  Nov. 1st   NO SCHOOL