Welcome to 3rd Grade 2024-2025

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I am so excited to meet all the students in my class this year! We’re going to have a great time together and learn a lot of fun things. I have many wonderful memories of when I was in third grade and I am excited to create more with you this school year! I will see you at Back to School Night on August 19th, and then on the First Day of School, August 21st! The first three days are are short days with early dismissal.

Here are a few things you can do now:

Subscribe to the Blog: Please subscribe to the blog by clicking on the button to the right and filling out the form.

Supply List:  I am asking for money donations of $35 instead of you buying your child’s supplies. This means I do all the shopping, labeling and organizing.  Awesome, right? One less thing you have to worry about! However, this does not cover student headphones. Please send those with your child on the first day of school. To see what your donation will cover click on the class supply list under the Parent Information tab above, or click this link. Payments may be made on Quest’s website by clicking “Current Families,” then “Online Payments.” Enter my name and donation amount. You may also use the following link. ONLINE PAYMENTS

Class Disclosure Statement: Please read and sign Mrs Petersen’s Disclosure Statement

Food Permission Form: This is a blanket food permission form for the entire school year.  The food items on this list are ones we have used regularly in the past for class parties and for math, science, and ELA lessons. Please check all items that your child can have. There is a box for substitution suggests if your child cannot have items on the list. Food Permission Form

Parent Survey:  The following link is a short survey to help me get to know your child better.  Please take a few moments to fill it out. Parent Survey

One way that you can help your child over the summer is to READ!!! It is so important to have your child read for 20 minutes every day.

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