Math homework:
Chapter 1 Vocabulary: Please review the following terms with your student as well as the Vocabulary Cards that go with each term. They have some awesome examples that your student should become VERY familiar with.
add, part, whole, addition number sentence, equals (=), plus (+), sum, zero, false, true…
Students need to know what each word means and how to apply them when given an example so PLEASE CHECK YOUR STUDENTS FOLDERS DAILY for what we went over in class each day, Please make sure your student puts his/her folder back into their backpack, this is also an important part of the homework process. I am trying to teach them that it is their responsibility to make sure they put their folders in their backpacks, but I need your help too ;0)
I will be sending home all the math homework for the week on Monday. You will (should LOL) find it in the front of the homework folder Red Label. It needs to be returned on Friday. Since we go over new concepts daily, just have your student do the homework that goes with the concept taught that day, which is another reason to check what is in your student’s homework folder. Classwork and and FYI notes that stay home are in the back pocket Greenish Blue Label and need to be taken out nightly.
I will let you know, on the blog, which problem(s) I want to have the students work on. However if your student really wants to do them all LOL by all means let them fly with it!
Lesson 1 (Taught on the 9th) was about Addition Stories. I loved hearing their stories and for the most part this lesson went well. Story problems can be a lot of fun!
Lesson 2 (Taught on the 10th) was about Modeling Addition. This lesson was harder for the students so show them the card LABELED PART. It involves “The Parts” (Groups), and “The Whole” (How many in all).
Lesson 3 (Taught on the 11) was about Number Sentences. Students should be able to verbalize as well as write number sentences using the correct Math Symbol + and = when writing a number sentence. They need to know that the answer to an addition sentence (problem) is the Sum.
Lesson 4 (Taught on Monday the 14th) is about Add Zero.
Sorry for the sideways example… This will be what we go over as a group before I “turn them loose” to work on their own. Homework problems due are 1-9 and the Vocabulary Check at the bottom of the page.
Lesson Review (Taught on Tuesday the 15th) is Check My Progress Review. We will be going over all the concepts taught so far. Homework is to go over past classwork, Chapter 1 Math vocabulary and to review vocabulary cards ” addition number sentence”, “equals”, “plus”, “part”, “sum”, “whole” and “zero”.
Lesson 5 (Taught on Wednesday the 16th) is about Vertical Addition.
Yeah it’s the right way hahaha This is the page we will be working on together before I “turn them loose” to work on their own. Homework problems 1-5 and 9 as well as the Test Practice.
Lesson 6 (taught on Thursday the 17th) is Problem Solving: Write a Number Sentence. This one is going to be a little tricky for our kids but I know they can do it! Here is what we will be doing in class. I think it will take most of the time we have so save the “On Your Own” for extra practice and test prep… Homework Student choice…pick your favorite question 1, 2, or 3
Lesson 7 (Taught on Friday the 18th) is Ways to Make 4 and 5. This will lead us into fact families. I love this lesson because there are so many right answers! Here is what we will be doing before I “turn them loose” to work on their own. Homework Problems All 1-10 and Test Practice
Please remember to send All Homework back on Fridays. I told the all the kiddos that we will have a “PAY DAY” at then end of the month but in order to get paid they need to return ALL their homework. Just like you get paid at work so will they…
Thanks Again for all your help and support! You have amazing kids!!!!
Love Mrs. V and Mrs Hall