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Math Homework
Homework this week is due on Friday, October 2:
Homework for the week Sept. 28th – Oct. 2nd
We will be testing on Monday for Addition Concepts covered in Chapter 1
I am SO EXCITED to be learning about place value.
WE will be starting a new unit/chapter on Place Value. Please check your students Homework folder for the newest Math Vocabulary Word Cards and examples Monday.
I stapled the Chapter 5 page to the “My Vocabulary Cards” in case you are confused and cant’ find them LOL…
Please look over it as well as the cards, then talk to your student about what they will be learning. they need to know what each word means and how to apply it as well as past vocabulary.
Please have your student do every other HOMEWORK problem alternating between evens and odds. Homework is set up so that your student should not be doing more than one math page per night unless we are having a short week etc.
Please take out ALL PAPERS covered each day in the BACK KEEP HOME (Blueish part) of your child’s folder. It is the best way to understand what we are covering daily in math, spelling, reading, and writing.