We finished reading the The Gingerbread Boy from the Talking Library in Starfall this week. The kids loved it!!! WE talked a lot about what and where the setting was, how it changed throughout the book. We wrote in our writing journals and drew a picture of our favorite setting. WE also talked a lot about the sequence of events. WE talked about all the different characters in the book. Ask your student if the Gingerbread Boy was “Spicy?” We learned that a baby deer is called a fawn, that the fox was very clever!
To start off the Autumn season Wednesday, I read the book “What Kind of Pumpkin are You?” We made pumpkins today which will be displayed on our class board in the hall. I have to warn you… some of them are kinda scary…LOL Some of the kids made more than one. I even had a couple make “Graveyards.” WE are so excited for you to see them!!
To go along with our theme…Home of the Wicked Witch and Her Little Monsters…We read the story “There’s a Monster Under My Bed” today (Thursday). The students got a big kick out of it so ask them to tell you about it. WE also made monsters Wednesday which will be used to decorate our door. Monday we will read (I hope) “My monster is Missing.” This is one of my previous classes all time favorites.
All of these aspects… Seasons, Setting, Authors, Illustrator, Sequencing, Characters and how they relate to us etc….are part of the 1st grade Language Ats Core. Feel free to talk about them when reading with your student…