Over that last week or so many of you have asked for good book/reading lists. I have talked with our school Librarian Mrs. Anderson and she has agreed to work on a list for us. I will also continue to search as well. I noticed on the Pizza Hut Book It web site there is a wealth of information and a 100 book reading list by under the PARENT LINK…select RED ZONE then select select READING LISTS then 100 GREAT READ ALOUDS.
I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this great web site. I was really surprise with all that was available. You also have access to the teacher link so by all means check it out.
There are some super fun monthly themed reading logs you can print off. http://bookitprogram.com/teachers/printables.asp
There are several other sources for reading: “Baggie Books” which will be sent home starting next Monday, books from home or the public library and our online reading program Raz-Kids. Our class Raz’s-Kids login is: dvella0 (That’s a zero)
I hope this helps. I will continue to look for good resources however if you have favorite books or lists of books PLEASE don’t hesitate to share!
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