We will be starting a Mad Scientist /Art club forFirst grade on January 25th. The club will meet every Monday in Mrs. Bischoff’classroom from 3:00-3:55PM. The fee for this club will be $2.
Our club will have a limit of 15 students. POQA will do a random selection of students who have turned in their registration form to the Q1 office by January 14th. We will inform those who have been selected by January 19thand you will have until January 21th to turn in your fee or forfeit your space. Students will only be allowed to participate in 1 club.
Excessive discipline referrals or failing grades may result in the dismissal from the club.
Please set up appointments on non-club days. Students will be removed from club membership if they accumulate more than 2 absences.
ONLY members of the clubs will be allowed to attend the meetings. Siblings that are not part of the club should have other arrangements for afterschool care.
Please fill out the following information and return to the school. Please print
I have read & understand the responsibilities & guidelines for club membership at Quest Academy
Student Name___________________________Grade_______Teacher_________________
Parent Signature ____________________________________________Date _________
Student Signature____________________________________________