![Home Bear](http://qacblogs.org/darsie.vella/files/2016/01/Home-Bear-300x134.jpg)
Dear Parents,
I am ssssooo sorry for not getting the MATH HOMEWORK to your students today. We got back late from the library and in the rush to get them out the door on time forgot to hand it out. It will be in their folders tomorrow. The good thing is that the kids really understood today’s math lesson so it shouldn’t take long for them to do tomorrow as well as what is assigned for Tuesday.
**NEW FLUENCY TIMINGS** I was talking with a parent who posed a great question…She wanted to know if all the fluency pages needed to be done this week OR at the same time.…YIKES NO!!!!! LOL that would be crazy for me let alone VERY overwhelming the kids…In class we will JUST START WORKING ON THE TWO’S, THEN ONCE YOUR CHILD HAS PASSED THEM OFF IN CLASS I WILL HAVE THEM MOVE ON TO DOUBLES… AGAIN, PLEASE JUST WORK ON THE TWOS AT HOME THIS WEEK AND DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE OTHERS FOR NOW. Once the kids master the TWO’S THEY CAN MOVE ONTO DOUBLES, THEN NEAR DOUBLES ETC. I appreciate the question as I can see how that may have been a little confusing.
I want you to know that I realize homework is a growing and sometime more than frustrating experience for both parents and students. Finding the right time and what works for each of you can be challenging. I do however want you to know that it is SSSOOO important as it helps your child develop good work habits, responsibility and the rewards of a job well done when they get paid. Thanks for all you do to help your student be successful personally and academically. YOU ROCK!!