Weekly Reminders and Improtant School Business

Home Bear

*PLEASE make every effort to have your student in class and on time everyday. It is disruptive to the class when students arrive late and makes getting started or trying to catch up with missed concepts difficult and frustrating. Students do better when they stick to a regular routine whether it’s mealtime, bedtime or school time. 

2-FRIDAY:  Early Out 1pm
    *Homework due

    *Spelling and sort test
    *$1.00 dress down day

Scholastic Book Clubs
3- Scholastic Book Order due February 29th.  Use your $5 Free Book Coupon NOW (it expires at the end of this month). Your Scholastic orders help our classroom library earn FREE books.  Orders can be sent to school or click here for easy online ordering, our class code is 
JBTR2: Scholastic Book Club

4-  We have a collection of lost and found items in our school, if your child is missing gloves, hats, a sweater, or other items they may be in our school bin located across from the office by the mac lab.

5-  There has been an increase with students not meeting school dress code. For your convenience here is the link for our dress code.  Quest Dress Code
**Many of the students in our classroom have either lost of destroyed their name tag. Quest policy is that students wear their name tag at all times and, if it gets lost, be replaced within a day or two for a cost of around $5
The following students still have their name tags here at school
and are good to go.

If your student isn’t on the list PLEASE feel free to look for it at home or visit the office so that a new one came be created for them.

water6. With the (slightly) warmer weather the students are getting thirstier after recess. Please send a WATER BOTTLE with your child that they can keep in their cubbies.  Thank you!
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