Scholastic Book Orders

Scholastic Book Clubs
***April Scholastic book orders are due Friday April 29th. In order to get books back before the end of the school year, I have set the May book order due date for Friday May 13th. Parents please think about what books your students could get excited about reading this summer and find some at their reading level. A good rule of thumb is to have your student read a typical passage/page, and if they can read the whole page with fewer than 3 mistakes (or 80% words read correctly), it should be fine for them to read the book on their own. On the other hand… If their is a particular book or author that your student is in love with but may be above his/her reading level,  get it too with the idea that it needs to be a book you will read together.

Below is the scholastic web site address and our class code:
Our class code is: JBTR2
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