I talked with the kids about the sounds these letters make. We had to review the right way to make the sound for letter Bb because some of the kids were saying the sound like this…buh with a strong “ah” sound which isn’t correct. LOL I also shared some fun little chants along with silly pictures to help them remember how to write each letter. Please be aware, I am VERY, VERY picky about how the kids write their letters, and make their sounds. It’s so important that kids build good habits when reading and writing. This includes making the correct letter sounds and forming letters correctly.
- The chant for upper case letter “A” is Slant left-slant right, then across the middle. The Chant for lower case letter “a” is (starting in the upper right corner of the middle line), left around the apple, then down the leaf. The kids got it super fast and had a little laugh at my picture.
- The chant for upper case letter “B” is Sky to the ground (with the sky being the top line and the ground being the bottom line), seals jumping sideways once, seals jumping sideways twice. It looks like a 3. Ask them about the seals part they really liked it. It relates to seals at the zoo. The chant for lower case letter “b” will forever help them with reversals between “b and d”. It goes like this…Down the bat and around the ball. I told the kids to always look for the “bat” because “b” always has the bat first.
- Students should NEVER EVER start any letters from the bottom!!!! NO BOTTOM DWELLERS… ALL LETTERS start in the middle (where the dotted line is ) or at the top.