2- Thanks to all those who have already voted for the theme for our classroom basket. If you have not yet voted there is still time, but don’t delay voting will close Friday, November 4th. Click here to vote: Classroom Basket Theme Voting
3- FRIDAY: Early Out 1pm
*Students are welcome to show their Quest pride by wearing their school spirit shirts (with uniform pants)
**All Math and Spelling Homework due Tomorrow.
***We will be having our spelling test tomorrow also.
****Remember to record Reading minutes on the “Book It” reading log by Sunday. I put the minutes in my grade book on Monday.
When I was looking through student Homework folders today, I noticed that many of the hats were colored in but no minutes were recorded. Parents, please make sure you record your student’s minutes read.
4- Parent Survey available to share with us your feedback to help us better your child’s experience here at school every day. Parent Survey
5- We will start our moon calendars next week as we begin our Sun, Earth and Moon unit.
6- Mark your calendars: Grandparents and Pastries on Wednesday, November 9th — 8:00-8:25am.
7- Scholastic Book Order DUE FRIDAY, November 18th. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2 : Scholastic Book Club