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Important Weekly Reminders
Homework due-Last call for last weeks homework.
End of 3rd Quarter
2- Scholastic Book Orders: Due Friday, March 31st. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2: Scholastic Book Club
3- Click here to record your weekly reading minutes for the Library Reading Challenge: Library Reading Minutes Log.
4- We are still collecting Box Tops, feel free to send them in a ziploc bag labeled with student name and grade.
5- PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR STUDENT HAS THEIR QUEST ACADEMY NAME BADGE EVERY DAY! Students need to wear their name badges everyday as per Quest Uniform Guidelines. Quest will be implementing a NEW lunchtime procedure, where students need to scan the back of their badge before getting their school lunch ( I will be putting bar codes on their badges). If your student doesn’t have a badge, you need to purchase another one from the office before Tuesday. The cost is $5
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