Reminder of Summer Reading Programs

Just a reminder from a couple previous posts. LOL As you can see I am all about summer reading…OR RATHER…reading in general. When My kids were young, I set aside a time everyday when they did a quick homework page for review and read for at least 20 minutes. The review worksheets/activities were from a consumable from “Summer Bridge.” You can find it at Utah Idaho, Walmart, or on line book stores.

Barnes and Noble- 
Summer Reading Program  

Fill out the reading journal, then bring your completed journal to a Barnes and Noble store to receive a FREE book.  Click here for more information and to print your own reading journal: Barnes and Noble Summer Reading

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Undercover Readers Program

Register today for the summer reading program.  You can also download a summer reading packet and find monthly events here: Weber County Summer Reading 

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Build a Better World
From reading, to inventing, to teddy bears – there’s something for everyone. For more information click here: Davis County Summer Reading

logoBOOK IT! Summer Reading-
We have enjoyed the free pizza coupons this year from the Pizza Hut BOOK IT reading program. Click here for fun summer reading activities: BOOK IT! Summer Reading
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