Fantastic First Day!!!

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We had such a great first day of school. We reviewed and practiced so many things today. The kids did so well lining up, walking into school quietly as well as down the hall. We only had a few that needed a little reminder on the way back to our room from lunch. I WAS SO VERY VERY PLEASED AND PROUD OF THEM!!!! We are going to have the best class and year.

  • We also talked about the importance of our homework folders and how they need to go home and be returned to school each day…STARTING TODAY!!!  The students who return their folders will earn  3 STAR DUSTS!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE , PLEASE, help your student with this task by checking their folders daily, take out the class work from the back , look for homework and return the folder to their backpack….It is such a simple, but important, part of the learning process. I hold the students to high standards when it comes to completing  and returning all assignments.
Thanks so much for your support. You have fantastic, amazing, beautiful children. Mrs. Sharp and I are so excited to have each of them in our class and look forward to all the “AH HA” moments that are sure to come
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