BEFORE and AFTER school procedures:
Students are welcome to enter the school anytime after 8:00, but, MUST GO DIRECTLY OUTSIDE TO THE BACK PLAYGROUND AREA. Parents may choose to WAIT WITH their STUDENTS outside in the back until 8:25 unless other arrangements have been made. In the morning, teachers and staff members, often have meetings and/or are finishing preparations for the day (see class disclosure), so parents, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let your student(s) know that they ARE NOT to come down the hallway until a teacher goes outside to get them at 8:25 which is when the first bell rings. The tarty/late bell is at 8:30. If your student is late they must GO TO THE OFFICE to get a tardy slip before coming to class.
Parents, please refrain picking up your student or having a sibling pick up your student outside our classroom door at the end of the day. Feel free to wait outside at our class’s meeting spot which is just past the first tree after we exit the east side of the building. Students who are being picked up in the back carpool lane, are to exit the EAST DOORS and STAY ON, AND FOLLOW, THE SIDEWALK around to the back area, I know it’s SSSSSOOOO tempting too, but PLEASE REFRAIN FROM, WAITING JUST outside the gate for your student! It creates a HUGE BOTTLENECK when parents and students wait right by the gate ESPECIALLY, when our sweet kinder kids are leaving to go home.
Class Disclosures:
I have received the signed portion of the disclosure, which is required, from the following students:
If you DO NOT see your student’s name below, please read through, print, and return it with your student TOMORROW. There is so much pertinent information contained in that document which applies, not only too our class, but Quest too. To find the CLASS DISCLOSURE, look under the Parent Information Tab on our class blog, click on the link, read carefully though the entire document then print off and signing the last page….
Pizza Friday’s:
I have OK’s for the following students to have pizza the WHOLE YEAR:
If you DO NOT see your student’s name I need to know if they have permission to have pizza EVERY FRIDAY for the WHOLE year. We are required to pre-order the pizzas every Wednesday so you can see why having prior permission will speed up the reporting process.
Next Week Heads Up….
Next week we will be in full swing with classes beginning at 8:25 and dismissals Monday-Thursday at 3:00 and Friday at 1:30. It will be a LONG day/week for your students (and LOL teachers). Please help your student(s) be successful by getting a good night sleep, as well as a having a good breakfast. We will also continue to work hard on learning class and school rules, procedures and expectations. WE will begin teaching math and language arts curriculum, in addition to some super cool science and social studies activities.
We will have picture day, as well as an eclipse, on Monday. WOW that will make for one EXCITING DAY I’m sure. Students need to wear their uniforms for pictures on Monday.
I will be sending home homework for math, as well as a fun science project called “Moon Journals,” but not for language arts or social studies. The math should be fairly easy for everyone and only take a few minutes to do. Students only need to do the even or odd problems. for the Moon journal, students need to observe the moon as it changes through each phase for approximately 15 days.
Again, PLEASE remember we are still in the learning process so please be patient with your student(s), as we work together and towards a wonderful, successful year!!!
****I was so very impressed with the kids today. I gave them a challenging writing assignment that was linked to the story “Monsters Love Colors. Ask your student(s) about it. They did a fantastic job!
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