Dear Parents,
I just wanted to give you a little reminder and clarify some questions you may have regarding homework. By now, you should have taken the opportunity (hopefully) to read through my class disclosure, and therefore, have an idea about what my homework expectations are. I want you to understand that by supporting your student’s homework requirements, you are setting them up for success, and building good work habits that will serve them now and in the future.
I know that some students struggle academically, and that homework can be…well…an interesting journey to say the least. I also know that when students stick with it, and complete required assignments, they are often times much more successful than those who may have an easier time academically but don’t complete assignments.
PLEASE feel free to meet with me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your student. I feel confident that, as we work together, we will can come up with solutions which will help your student be successful.
ALL Homework is due on Friday unless it is a week where the last day falls on another day. An example of this would be Wednesday, October 18th. Any required or missing homework would be turned in on Wednesday NOT Friday…
Please make sure your STUDENT’S NAME is on EVERYTHING, and that ALL assignments are attached together. I can not give credit if I don’t have a name on a paper, and DO NOT keep nameless papers…LOL
*Please DO NOT wait until the last night to complete all assignments. This is not fun for anyone!!!!
*PLEASE read homework directions carefully. If it asks that certain elements to be done, such as underlining something, and your student doesn’t do it, they will not get full credit
Missing homework WILL NOT be accepted if it is more than one week past due! THE ONLY EXCEPTION IS ILLNESS OR IF YOUR STUDENT IS OUT OF TOWN AND then it must be turned in as mentioned above.
***This Week There Are 3 Required Components for Homework:
1. My Math Homework Lessons 4-7
2. Reading 20 minutes/5 days or a total of 100 minutes/week.
3. Moon Journals
1- My Math Homework Schedule:
Monday Lesson 4: Add Zero
Tuesday Lesson 6: Write A Number Sentence
Wednesday Lesson 5: Vertical Addition
Thursday Lesson 7: Ways to Make
***Students should only be doing one math page/night so it doesn’t get too overwhelming. They are generally (BUT NOT ALWAYS) only required to do every other problem, evens or odds. PLEASE make sure you read the requirements carefully!
Generally, there will be 3-4 math Homework pages per week. Since we are moving to mastery of core standards,/concepts, I will be looking even closer at how they are doing with extra practice (Homework), as well as in class assignments, and on assessments. PLEASE DO NOT DO YOUR STUDENT’S WORK FOR THEM! IT DOESN’T”T HELP THEM AND HURTS THEM WHEN THEY TAKE ASSESSMENTS!!! Rather, work with them to help them understand the concepts, which, gives them self confidence.
*I love that homework is a bridge between home and school. You see what and how we are working on, as well as what your student knows and may be struggling with.
***WE will be having our first math standards assessment/progress check Tuesday. I will be checking to see if students can write and addition number sentence correctly with information gathered from a several math stories. They can always draw a pictures to illustrate the story which helps a ton!
I strive try to let you know, in advance, when we are going to have each assessment and chapter test.
I Love Spelling!
Below is a list of High Frequency words we will continue to review this week. Although student’s aren’t tested on them yet, it would be VERY helpful if you could help your student(s) review them. They should be VERY familiar with ALL of them by the end of the week.
a, I, she, and, is, the, can, like, this, do, little, to, for, look, was, go, me, we, has, my, where, have, play, with, he, said, you, here, see
Quest requirements are that students read 20 minutes per day.
I require 5 days out of 7 for credit . That’s 20 minutes/day or 100 minutes/week. Students also need to have minutes initialed for credit.
I will reading calendars on Monday for the previous week, since I know that some students read a lot over the weekend. I do this because I realize things happen so you have “2 Free” days per week if that make sense.
***Starting in August, I will place a MONTHLY CALENDAR in your student homework folder. Please DO NOT TAKE IT OUT EXCEPT TO MARK MINUTES.
I hope that this helps with some of the questions you may have had as far homework and grading. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Mrs. Sharp and I want your student(s) to be happy, and successful.
I Love Science!
Your student should have their “Moon Journal” in their green homework folder. Please help your student with this SUPER COOL science project, by reminding them to view, then record the changes/phases of the moon through September 19th. I also have a link to the moon rise, set and phases on the bottom right hand and side of my blog. It says 2016 but there is a place to change the date once you get on the site. HAPPY MOON GAZING!