- If you I don’t have signed permission for the following students listed below by Friday, September 8th they MAY NOT be able to go on to Hogle Zoo Tuesday, September 12th.
- Permission Slip This gives your child permission to participate in all the activities and learning experiences this year.
- If I DO NOT have your student’s permission form signed, they WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to participate in any FIELD TRIPS or SCHOOL LEARNING ACTIVITIES that required authorization, or to consume any food/treats at said activities.
- I can’t stress enough the importance of making donations for our field trips and parties. We rely on these donations in order for activities to take place. If we don’t get enough financial support many if not ALL activities will be canceled!!!
$15 for our yearly field trips: This money is for the whole year. It goes toward transportation, and entrance fees for both off and on sight activities like the Hogel Zoo and the Ogden Nature Center. Paying $12 for the class activities/parties: Allows the opportunity to watch for sales so we can get more supplies for the bucks!