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Baggie Books and Student Reading Levels
Just a little update as far as passing on to a new level/color in the READING FOR ALL LEARNERS (Baggie Books) Please DO NOT sign your student off if they CAN NOT READ THE ENTIRE BOOK FLUENTLY and with NO MORE THAN 3 MISTAKES. I am having too have students repeat either some OR all of the previous color, which is very upsetting to everyone. They understand why when I talk with them but it’s still hard. YOU ARE NOT DOING YOUR STUDENTS A FAVOR BY SIMPLY SIGNING THEM OFF SO THEY GET A NEW BOOK EVERY DAY.
As Mrs. Sharp tests them for their current reading level using Fauntus and Pinnell…many ARE NOT doing as well as we expected. One of the biggest reasons is because they CAN NOT answer the comprehension questions that go along with the stories. I CAN NOT STRESS enough as to the importance of being able to RETELL a story with accurate details in order…What happened first, next. then, and then, and last. If your student can’t answer questions like this with everything they read…PLEASE, PLEASE. PLEASE…work on this important skill. IT IS JUST IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE READING, AS IT IS TO READ FLUENTLY!!! If your student still struggles to sound out words, then they will almost always have a hard time with comprehension. They have to work so hard to just figure out what they are reading, they are not able to pay attention to what they are reading about. Practice is the best way to improve on something that is hard. If you want your student to do better have them read to you more not just you reading to them!
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