Thanks so much for being willing to donate your valuable time and help chaperone our kiddos on our field trip Friday, May 18th. Chaperones need to plan on being at the school by 8:20 so I can give you a list of your students, their lunches and answer any last minute questions you may have. The more parent chaperones we have the smaller the groups will be. I have to have at least 2 parents per group for safety reasons.
Chaperones as mentioned above, you need to bring a bag to keep your assigned student’s lunches in. Your group is free to eat whenever they get hungry. STUDENT LUNCHES NEED TO BE 100% DISPOSABLE and NOT BE MICROWAVED as we will not have access to one. The picnic/eating area is outside so plan accordingly…It’s been both cold and warm in the past…LOL I’d plan for cold…hahahaha
I think I may be able to have 4 parent chaperones ride the bus, while the remainder meet up with us at the museum around 8:45-8:50. Bus spots will be on a first come first served basis. In the past they had all the first grade go into a room for a brief orientation . This might also be where we find out what time each group will meet up for the “air lol craft” if we aren’t assigned a time before then.
The following is a list of parents that have volunteered so far:
Rich Howard
Stephanie Adams
Nicole Westmoreland
Allister & Kristie Martinelli
Elenora Veloria
If I have missed anyone, I apologize I would LOVE to have any of you join us. If you sign up, and have a schedule change, PLEASE let me know ASAP so I have time make sure everyone is accounted for.
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