- I have 4 open spots for parents to ride on the bus. They will be filled on a first come first served basis. If you would like to ride on the bus please let me know ASAP. Please plan on being at the school by 8:25 if you are riding the bus and at Hill Aerospace Museum by 8:45 if you are just meeting us there.
- Chaperones I need you to bring a LARGE bag or backpack to put your groups SACK LUNCHES IN. Parents YOU are responsible for YOUR lunch. Quest will only provide lunches for students who have previously requested them. The following students will have lunch provided for them by Quests.
- If you DO NOT see our students name…YOU MUST PROVIDE A 100% DISPOSABLE SACK LUNCH FOR YOUR STUDENT for the field trip this Friday, May 18th!
- Kylie, Hugo, Lucas, Cham, Holden, Lia, Kanyan
- Below is the most current list of parent volunteers for our field trip. If I have missed adding anyone to the list, I apologize in advance. Please let me know if you signed up but now have a conflict, so I can make those necessary adjustments. I will be assigning groups tonight based on the list below.
Stephanie Adams
Nicole Westmoreland
Devin Zimmerman
Julie Le
Allister & Kristie Martinelli
Jen and Darren Smith
Stephen Ray
Melea Rogers
Shanel Mendoza
Omott Adhom