Today your student practiced logging into their computers, learned about a URL (an electronic address), found the Quest homepage and then logged out and shut down their computer. It was a VERY time intensive process but they did so well!!
To help speed up the process of logging on, and feel more confident, please have your student practice typing their user name (first name.last name ie john.doe) on a computer at home. Their passwords are their initials followed by 2 numbers then rams (jd123rams). For many, just this simple task can be overwhelming and make them feel a little anxious. Please let them know that I am so proud of their efforts on the computer today and that all I expect is for them to do their best.
****They will be taking a couple placement tests on the computer this week. There will be questions that they will know, and many that don’t. This test will measure their growth over time which is so exciting! Please don’t stress…As students learn how to navigate their computer, and master more complex concepts their scores WILL improve. Please talk with them about the importance of choosing the best answer and not just rushing through the test choosing any random answer as this is a VERY IMPORTANT placement test.
Last Friday I sent home a few scholastic book orders in your students green homework folder. If you haven’t taken the time to look through them PLEASE do so. They are filled with so many wonderful books at a great price. All book orders are due Friday August 31st AND can be purchased on line with our class code: JBTR2
Wednesday is picture day!!!
Wear school UNIFORMS, no spirit shirts (in the Spring there will be a dress down picture day)
Picture day flyers were sent home previously in student blue homework folders.
One item you can purchase is our class picture. This is item #13 for $10.00
You can pay online at: Bell Photographers
Online password is: questes2018
Print your receipt & enclose in payment envelope (attached to flyer)
See flyer for additional payment options.
Friday, August 31st from 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. is POQA’s Back to School Bash and the Clearfield Aquatic Center located at 825 State Street. It’s a great way to spend a Friday night with your family.
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