Quest Fundraiser: Help Us Raise Money For Our School can help us earn money for our school AND turn our principals into ice cream sundaes! Only a few more days left to sell cookie dough and beef jerky. Orders are due Monday, September 10th. We need your help to reach our school goal.
School wide incentive
-If the school as a whole sells 4,500 items the principals will become ice cream sundaes!
PLEASE Remember  that the money raised helps to fund field trips, after school clubs, the end of year carnival bash as well as other other fun enriching school activities like… the ‘Back to School Bash. Let’s make the last 3 days a huge success for all the kids at Quest!!!

I wanted to remind you of all the incentives
-Students who sell 25 items will receive an unlimited 3 hour pass to the Rush Funplex!
-Students who sell 35 items will receive a personalized Quest Hoodie or Backpack
-Students who sell 40 items will receive a digital Rider Watch 
-Student who sells the most will receive 4 unlimited 3 hour passes to Rush Funplex.

Thank you for your support!
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