![Related image](http://2w7mli34dcxq483f6q4ebyht.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Heres-the-News.png)
2– FRIDAY: Early Out 1:30pm
Homework due
3- Cookie Dough fundraiser orders DUE Monday, September 10.
4- Scholastic Book Order. September Book order due Friday, September 28th. Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is JBTR2: Scholastic Book Club
5- Library: Our class has been assigned Monday for our library day this year. With that being said, there will be a few exceptions throughout the year when we’ll meet on Friday due to holidays or other Quest scheduled events.
6- Hogle Zoo field trip has been confirmed with the Zoo for Tuesday, September 18th. The Zoo will only allow 5 chaperones in for free with each class. We will take the first 4-5 chaperones to fill these spots for each class. However, every parent volunteer is welcome as well as other children- you just need to pay for your admissions.
We should have enough space on the bus for 4 parent chaperones from each class. If you would like to ride on the buss please let me know. If you choose to drive to the zoo, you can check your student out when we are leaving the zoo to come back to school. You may stay longer if you are driving to the zoo BUT YOU MUST check out your student first!
If any of you have Zoo passes please let me know ASAP as this will allow for more free admissions for other parent chaperons. You can message me on Class Dojo (preferred) or by email. .
Students will need a fully disposable sack lunch or you may purchase a sack lunch from the school. Orders for school sack lunches, must be received by Tuesday, September 11th. Parent volunteers need to provide a bag/backpack to carry the student lunches in for their group. Again, School sack lunches are available and must be ordered by Tuesday, September 11th at 3pm.
Click here to complete the online permission/lunch form even if you already signed the yearly permission slip form:
Hogle Zoo Field Trip Form