Hogle Zoo Updates and Reminders…

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WE are counting down the days until we can go to the zoo and hope you are too!…LOL!!
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th is the day so if you haven’t marked your calendar yet, PLEASE do so.  Here are a few things to know before we go:

***The following students HAVE NOT signed the YEARLY permission form that ALLOWS your student to PARTICIPATE in ALL the PLANNED ACTIVITIES such as field trips, class parties and other learning activities that contain food. If you see your student’s name below PLEASE click on the link below to fill out the yearly permission form:
Yearly Permission form
Christian K
Christian S
Rylee W

1-  We appreciate those who have already made field trip donations.  If you haven’t but can, please pay your $18.00 donation to the Q1 office. Our transportation costs to and from the Hogle Zoo last year was around $1200. Our fee for the Hill AFB Museum was around $700. Again, we really are so grateful and appreciative of anything that you can donate for our field trips.  Thank you for your generosity!  

2- Wear a  RED  QUEST UNIFORM SHIRTsunscreen and good walking shoes! Please dress for the weather.  

3- Bring a cold COMPLETELY DISPOSABLE sack lunch, from home, in a COMPLETELY DISPOSABLE BAG LABELED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME. Again, everything must be completely disposable. WE will not have access to a microwave. 
Below is the list of the students who’s parents requested, and will be provided with, a sack lunch from school: If you DO NOT see your students name below, YOU MUCH SEND YOUR STUDENT WITH A 100% disposable sack lunch Tuesday, September 18 for our zoo field trip.
Sunnie-white milk

4- Be on time. Arrive at school by 8:25 am even if you are driving your car, as you need to get a list of the students in your group and their lunches (See Parent Information Below). Bus departs at 8:45am.  We will leave the zoo around 1:00-1:15pm, returning to Quest around 2:00 or 2:30pm.

5- Parent chaperones: Please bring a backpack or bag in which you will carry your groups lunches, and a lunch for yourself.  Please arrive and meet in our room at 8:25am to go over last minute instructions and get a copy of the Zoo Groups.  If you are bringing siblings, it is necessary for you to drive your own vehicle.  Please be prepared to pay for yourself and any extra children you bring.  For those driving, plan on meeting us at the zoo no later than 9:30 am.  The zoo address is 2600 E. Sunnyside Avenue, Salt Lake, UT, 84108.  
  • Parent Volunteers: We are ALWAYS looking for more volunteers so don’t be shy. You may join your child’s group to help with the group management.  If your cell phone number is not correct in ASPIRE, please email/class DOJO to update it on the field trip form in case we need to reach you and your group.
**I know we will have 2-4 spaces for chaperones to ride the bus. I like to fill these on a needs basis first… WE think there will be room for a couple more but as of today I am still waiting to hear for sure.

So this year the Zoo is being super picky about the ratio (parent/kids) for groups, and have stated that we are only allowed 5 adults/5 kids including teachers for free….UGH…. I have a zoo pass, as does another parent so we lucked out and will be able to have 6 extra for a total of 11 free  WHEW. Our Pass should also cover those couple people bringing their kids. As a safety feature, we must have at least 2 adults with each group . With that in mind, I currently have 4 groups with 6 students per group and 2+ chaperones assigned to each group which should be manageable.

Below is a current list of Chaperones and the mode of transportation they are planning on using: If you would like to volunteer or I missed your name somehow (SORRY) PLEASE let me know ASAP, AS many hands make light work. I am hoping to be able to put the final groups together Sunday September 16th.
Dyson-Allyssa  (Bus)
Abby-Jessica  (Buss)
Embry-Kara  (Bus)
Sunnie-Andrea  (Bus)
Katelyn Sunset  (Bus)
Kilynn- Vanessa (Kids/Driving)
Serenity- Jennifer  (Driving)
Katy- Chalisse (Kids-Driving)
? Jaden- Alisha  (Driving)

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