Student Math Helps!

We will be having a quiz on lesson 11 tomorrow which is all about patterns and filling in a number table. They should have started to see the patters in each table which is simply… as each addend goes up by one so does the sum or total.
Please look over and talk about the table below with your student. They should be able to tell you what the patterns are,  and what the missing addends and sums should be.
You should also be able to print it off  if you choose to.
This would be a great time to get out the hundreds chart out (I gave each family at Back to School Night) and talk about the patterns there since that is really what the chart is all about. This is in preparation for the students to learn place value and the concept of (Which we have been doing in our calendar math all  year):
1 group of ten =  10
2 groups of ten= 20
3 groups of ten = 30
4 groups of ten = 40
5 groups of ten = 50
6 groups of ten = 60
7 groups of ten = 70
8 groups of ten = 80
9 groups of ten = 90
10 groups of the =100
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